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Energy Secretary Granholm touts jobs, renewable energy at Discovery World

MILWAUKEE - At Milwaukee's Discovery World on Wednesday, local leaders and laborers welcomed U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm to celebrate At Milwaukee’s Discovery World, U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm celebrated Wisconsin's investments in renewable energy and low unemployment rates. The event was also welcomed by Mayor Cavalier Johnson and Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley, who highlighted the importance of President Joe Biden's contributions to Wisconsin. Executive Crowley highlighted the Milwaukee County Climate Action Plan, which aims to create net zero emissions in Milwaukee County by 2050 by 2050. The plan was made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act. Secretary Granholm expressed optimism about the future of American manufacturing, calling it a "new industrial revolution" that will be an economic engine for the entire world.

Energy Secretary Granholm touts jobs, renewable energy at Discovery World

Publié : il y a 2 mois par Jack Graue dans Environment

MILWAUKEE – At Milwaukee’s Discovery World on Wednesday, local leaders and laborers welcomed U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm to celebrate Wisconsin’s investments in renewable energy and low unemployment rate. The event began with remarks from Mayor Cavalier Johnson and Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley.

Executive Crowley recognized the contributions that President Joe Biden has made to Wisconsin: “Here in Milwaukee County we understand that the climate crisis is a pressing threat; not only to our environment, but to our economy and quality of life,” Executive Crowley said. “The President and his team, including Secretary Granholm, are working with us to create a healthier and cleaner community.”

Executive Crowley has made climate-related initiatives a significant part of his administration, creating the Milwaukee County Climate Action Plan. A centerpiece of the Plan is creating net zero emissions in Milwaukee County by 2050. Executive Crowley said the plan was made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act.

There are multiple companies in the Metro Milwaukee area investing in clean energy, and Executive Crowley voiced confidence in the direction these businesses are taking Wisconsin: “The clean energy transition is here, and it is creating good paying jobs supporting our economy.”

Secretary Granholm took the stage and began discussing the hardships American manufacturing has endured in the past. She voiced optimism about the Midwest’s future, with Wisconsin as a significant contributor: “Ingeteam announced last year they will advance their EV charging facility, and that alone is creating 100 jobs.”

“Copeland received a grant from the Biden Administration to manufacture compressors for electric heat pumps. COnovate is a company that’s based in Milwaukee and its making anode material that will make batteries perform better when you drive a vehicle.”

As developments in renewable energy continue, Secretary Granholm said it will be an economic engine not just for Milwaukee, but the entire world: “The clean energy economy represents a $23 trillion global economic opportunity,” said Secretary Granholm “Essentially, a new industrial revolution.”

Multiple times in her remarks, Secretary Granholm referenced Wisconsin’s labor unions. Thomas Moore is a member of Local 139 and said he feels Wisconsin’s investments in solar energy represent promising future for tradesmen and tradeswomen.

“That’s work for a lot of Wisconsinites. That’s good healthcare and retirement.”

Les sujets: Green Energy, ESG, Renewables

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