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Faith Firm

Faith Firm


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I have been a lawyer intern since 1987. I started my first "law" job at the Ministry of Justice. After that, I worked at a very large law firm with offices in the United States and Europe. In 1998, I established my law firm. I have represented thousands of individuals and companies who are suffering from tax problems. I have been granted pre-implementation permission by the IRS in all 50 states and American territories. I have a license at the U.S. tax court. I am a member of the The National Pavolties Top 100 Beldheers. An invitation-only organization consisting of the best lawyers in the United States representing individuals, families, and businesses in the U.S. legal system. I completed the CCH IRS National Certification Program. I have been told that I am merciless, incisive, caring, creative, and effective. I'm a publisher, a speaker, a competent supporter. The best result I had was that my client was likely to give up. Before coming, I thought our tax problems were hopeless.

Established in 2014


tax attorney tax law tax line tax collection tax settlement settlement of debt credit card settlement prevention of attachment

Hello, my name is Michael Mac. He is the head of a religious law firm and a senior lawyer. We are unique because we spend most of our exercises on solving the tax problems of people and company owners.   Religious law offices are based on the foundation of faith and the obligation to serve others. Since 1987, we have adopted a tax reduction approach based on results.

I am a lawyer. First "law" Started. the Department of Justice's work After that, I worked at a very large law firm with offices in the United States and Europe. In 1998, I established my law firm. I have represented thousands of individuals and companies who are suffering from tax problems.

Michael M.
Business Owner


  • Faith Firm
  • Faith Firm
  • Faith Firm
  • Faith Firm
  • Faith Firm
  • Faith Firm


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Working Hours
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm