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Survey finds more business leaders fearful about their company's survival as AI and climate challenges grow

Survey finds more business leaders fearful about their company's survival as AI and climate challenges grow A survey by PwC, one of the world's largest consulting firms, has found that more business leaders are becoming more cautious about their companies' survival due to climate change and technology like artificial intelligence. The survey, which polled over 4,700 CEOs worldwide, found that 38% were optimistic about the global economy, up from 18% last year. However, the CEOs' expectation of economic decline has dropped to 45% from a record-high 73% last time. They also felt less exposed to geopolitical conflict, despite wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and disruptions to global trade. The CEOs said they are trying to make changes but are facing regulation, a lack of skills among workers, and more. The study also found that AI will make their products or services better but will increase cybersecurity risks and misinformation.

Survey finds more business leaders fearful about their company's survival as AI and climate challenges grow

Diterbitkan : 2 bulan yang lalu oleh di dalam Business Tech

More executives are feeling better about the global economy, but a growing number do not think their companies will survive the coming decade without a major overhaul because of pressure from climate change and technology like artificial intelligence, according to a survey of CEOs by one of the world’s largest consulting firms, PwC.

The survey of more than 4,700 CEOs worldwide was released in January, and it showed a mixed picture of the coming years. Of the executives, 38% were optimistic about the strength of the economy, up from 18% last year, when the world was mired in high inflation, weak growth, rising interest rates, and more.

The CEOs’ expectation of economic decline has dropped to 45% from a record-high 73% last year, and fewer saw their company as highly exposed to the risk of geopolitical conflict, according to the PwC Global CEO Survey. That’s despite wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, including disruptions to global trade from attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

Even with the improved economic outlook, the challenge is not close to over, with the World Bank saying it expected the global economy would slow for a third consecutive year in 2024.

The executives, meanwhile, felt worse about the prospects for their companies’ ability to weather big changes. The survey shows 45% of the respondents were worried that their businesses wouldn’t be viable in a decade without reinvention, up from 39% last year.

The CEOs said they were trying to make changes, but they are running up against regulation, a lack of skills among workers and more.

“Whether it is accelerating the rollout of generative AI or building their business to address the challenges and opportunities of the climate transition, this is a year of transformation,” Bob Moritz, global chairman of PwC, formerly known as PricewaterhouseCoopers, said in a statement.

Artificial intelligence was seen as both a way to streamline business operations and a weakness. Nearly three-quarters of the executives said “it will significantly change the way their company creates, delivers and captures value in the next three years,” PwC said.

More than half of the CEOs said AI will make their products or services better, but 69% noted that their workers needed training to gain skills to use the developing technology. They also were concerned about how AI would increase cybersecurity risks and misinformation.

Another worldwide survey released by public relations firm Edelman said innovation was being managed badly and has increased polarization, especially in Western democracies, where people with right-leaning beliefs are much more likely than those on the left to resist innovation.

“Innovation is only accepted if there is a sense that we’re looking at the big picture of how we take care of the people whose jobs are going to change, how scientists are going to talk to the people directly so they understand it,” said CEO Richard Edelman. “And finally, that one way in another, AI is affordable and makes it easier for people to live.”

The online survey — which again showed that business was the most trusted institution among government, media, science and nongovernmental organizations — gathered responses from more than 32,000 respondents in 28 countries from November 3 to November 22.

Similar to AI, the PwC survey showed that the climate transition was both an opportunity and a risk. An increasing number of CEOs — nearly a third — said climate change was expected to shift how they do things over the next three years.

More than three-quarters of the executives said they have begun or completed changes to increase energy efficiency, but only 45% noted that they have made progress on taking the climate risks into account in financial planning.

The PwC survey of 4,702 CEOs in 105 countries and territories was conducted from October 2 to November 10.

Topik: Polls, AI

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